Welcome to our resource page where we bring to you a range of resources that can be used at home or in school to help our future stars ‘explore’ and ‘experiment’ with everything about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
We know that our STEM Stars are keen to make a statement so we have developed a range of merchandise to allow them to do just that. We have a new range of T shirts that are made to order these are available in both adult and child sizes. We will be developing a bigger range of merchandise soon.
Resources & Downloads
Here you can access some of our most popular resources and downloads.
Consumables & Equipment
To support our STEM Stars in continuing to explore and experiment at home we have put together some packs including all the key components needed to build a range of projects.
The Drawing Tool Company
We are thrilled to be bringing some of our favourite products from the drawing tool company! We will only sell products that we have personally tried and tested, the Iso sketch drawing tool and the associated DESIGNPAD will have our STEM Stars drawing like professional designers and engineers in no time!